Alessandro Leone
University of Foggia, Italy
Title: Physicochemical evaluation of olive paste and olive oil obtained by a new partial destoner machine implemented in an industrial olive oil extraction plant
Biography: Alessandro Leone
In this scientific paper, an industrial prototype of a partial destoner machine was specified, built and implemented in an industrial olive oil extraction plant to evaluate its quantitative and qualitative performance compared to the traditional mechanical crusher. The extraction efficiency of the olive oil extraction plant, olive oil quality, sensory evaluation and rheological aspects were investigated. The research demonstrated that leaving 40% of pits in olive paste (as pits fragments) the extraction efficiency loss at decanter level is avoided. The extraction efficiency measured when partial destoner machine and mechanical crusher were used did not show statistical differences. The oils obtained using partial destoner machine are characterized by higher green fruitiness, flavor and aroma with respect to those produced using traditional processing systems. In addition, the partial destoner machine allows the pits recovery to be used as biomass. It is to be noted that nowadays the goal of environmental sustainability is oriented to the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels and the global goal is to increase the use of biomasses for energy-consuming processes.