Shorayeva Kamshat Abitkhanovna
Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, Kazakhstan
Title: Diagnosis of viral diseases in birds with oligonucleotide microarray
Biography: Shorayeva Kamshat Abitkhanovna
Diversity of avian viral diseases impedes their diagnosis by traditional research methods. To solve the problem, we developed a new oligonucleotide microchip for rapid simultaneous diagnosis of viral diseases in birds such as avian influenza (AI), Newcastle disease (ND), infectious bronchitis (IB) and infectious bursal disease (IBD). The designed oligonucleotide microchip consists of 16 identical subarrays for simultaneous rapid detection of avian viruses: AIV, NDV, IBV and IBDV in single- and mixed-virus infections. Probes for the proposed microarray are designed on the basis of conserved regions from gene fragments encoding the major viral proteins: NP and M (AIV), NP (VBI), VP2 (VIBB) and S1 (VIB), provided in GenBank database. Versatility of test makes it suitable for a wide use in veterinary laboratories for rapid detection of avian infections. So, the developed microarray for rapid diagnosis of avian viral diseases can be used in mass analysis in the system of routine epidemiological surveillance owing to its ability to test one sample for simultaneous detection of AIV, NDV, IBV and IBDV in cases of single and mixed viral infections. At the same time, duration of the analysis decreases dozen times versus classical methods and the proposed scheme of specimen preparation allows conducting assays immediately in small veterinary laboratories thus avoiding transportation of thermolabile RNA.