Anita Tilwari
Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, India
Anita Tilwari has completed her PhD in Biotechnology from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU) and Postdoctoral studies from University of Sains Malaysia, Institute for Research in Molecular Medicine (INFORMM). Currently she is working as a Senior Scientist at Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology, Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology with 10 years of research experience. She has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute. She is an author of more than 25 peer-reviewed papers and more than 5 proceedings for national and international conference. She has also published a book on diversity of medicinal plant. She has also served as a Reviewer for several journals. Her current research interests are bioprospecting of microorganism associated with hot springs of India and also on biodiversity conservation.
Abstract : RAPD PCR profiling of lipase producing bacterial isolates from Anhoni hot spring, central India