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Veronica Uzokwe

Veronica Uzokwe

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Tanzania


Veronica Uzokwe has received her MSc in Agronomy (1998) from the University of Ibadan and her PhD (2008) in Plant Breeding/Genetics from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), both in Nigeria. She has joined IITA, Dar es Salaam, Eastern African (EA) Hub in her current role as a System Agronomist in 2013 and currently the country project Coordinator for the Support to Agriculture for Research and Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (SARD-SC) project. Earlier, from 2011 to 2013, she was a Plant Breeder/Agronomist with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Los Banes, Philippines.


Abstract : Nitrogen mineralization dynamics of different valuable organic amendments commonly used in agriculture

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